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The Lansing Racial Equity Scorecard tracks progress toward racial equity in Lansing. By leveraging stories and disaggregated data, the scorecard helps our community members to organize, educate on issues, hold leaders accountable, and transform policy toward racial and healing justice.

This Scorecard makes it easy to see and access data about:

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Results we hope to see as racial equity improves

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The story behind data, connected to our lives and community


Partners working together to make things better

How we are measuring success and making a difference


Click anywhere on the scorecard to learn more about the programs and partners who are working together to improve racial equity in Lansing. Use the + icons to expand items and the note icon to read more.

Get Started with the Tutorial Video below!


The Lansing Racial Equity Scorecard is a Results-Based Accountability tool developed and maintained by One Love Global as part of organizing the Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation process in Metro Lansing.


This disaggregated data helps us know when we're actually moving toward racial equity: Are the things that we're investing money, resources, and time in actually moving the needle?


The racial equity scorecard is also a chance to identify what it is that we want to measure in our community. We partner with local stakeholders to share data and strategize ways to improve each outcome over time. If you would like to work with us, please contact

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