Together, we can mobilize Black voters and combat suppression, ensuring voices in Black communities are heard and reflected at the polls
Black the Vote is a campaign and call to action, encouraging civic engagement, voter turnout, and uplift issues impacting Black communities. Black the Vote is led by One Love Global in partnership with the Movement for Black Lives and Black Lives Matter.
Every election matters.
Organize. Vote. Run. Lead. Transform.

Election 20XX is a non-partisan political education and community engagement campaign. We believe every election matters and are committed to providing information to Michigan communities regarding all candidates, their respective strategies, and track records of current elected officials on issues that affect their ability to achieve their American dream.
We are committed to promoting justice, opportunity, and equitable outcomes for all, especially as they relate to Election 20XX’s core goals of: divesting in the war on Black people and investing in the Black community; creating communities that are safe, healthy, and can thrive; and promoting criminal justice accountability and transformation.

Get all your voting info, including sample ballots, voter registration info, and more HERE: https://mvic.sos.state.mi.us

The Election 20XX Candidate’s Forum provides candidates with an opportunity to connect with potential constituents and share your commitment to issues that matter to them. Election 20XX successfully coordinated multiple candidate forums during the 2017 Lansing election cycle and will strive to do so in future. We ask candidates to share responses to a set of questions to help residents learn about their positions. As a result, our Forums proved vital to both candidates and community members.